Cash Gifts:
Contributions of any size can be made. To meet your personal charitable wishes or to honor or memorialize a friend, family member or loved one. Cash gifts donated each year provide the basis for continued growth and support of our unrestricted account for Miami County.
Benefits and Wills:
When you remember the Miami County Foundation with personal property in your Will you may also request the Foundation to establish a special fund in your name or to honor a loved one. Additionally, you may designate the funds purpose.
Charitable Remainder Trust:
A donor transfers cash or property to a trust, which pays the beneficiary an income stream for his or her lifetime, a term of years or a combination of both. Upon the death of the beneficiary, the Foundation receives the remaining assets to use for the purposes specified by the donor.
The contribution of appreciated securities will provide you with the opportunity to gift the Foundation with a larger contribution. At the same time affording you the benefit of a capital gain savings when you have held the stocks or bonds for a period of time.
Life Insurance:
Naming the Miami County Foundation as the irrevocable beneficiary of your Life Insurance may immediately provide you with a tax deduction for the cash value amount as well as for any future premiums.
Charitable Lead Trust:
This type of trust provides income to the Foundation for a specific period of time and then distributes the assets to the donor or others designated by the donor. A Charitable Lead Trust can generate significant estate tax savings.